Saturday 28 January 2012


I'm bored, so I'm here to post bishie's photos again. This is Taecyeon, he's a member of 2pm and he's ADORABLE!

He can be cool, cute, sexy and wild ! Isn't he a doll? =D

I have nothing else to say. How weird. Anyway OH YEA! I think I'm getting lucky in relationships this few days. Guys just keep popping out and asking me questions. They are quite adorable, but some very boring. I think they are the ones who bored me to this place LOL. I'll be waiting for you! My The One! <3

Thursday 26 January 2012

Disappointed? I'm still glad.

I have an uncle, he's single, charming, it makes people curious why he doesn't have a girlfriend. Well from my logic, of course the 1st thought in my mind is he's gay. I never put deep thought in it when I was young because by that time I never doubt my sexuality, but few years ago I had accepted myself and I thought hey, I haven't see him for quite a while, why don't we hang out and he can intro me with people in the circle. Sadly I couldn't find a chance to meet him. Anyway after a few years, I finally got a chance to see him, and I ended up disappointed. You know? After all these years, my gaydar had developed into something stronger than women's sixth sense. By first glimpse, I can tell that he'd stop seeing anyone. I'm pretty sure that he wanted to stop getting into relationships and die alone. After I confronted my parents, I found out that he's now a devout believer, a Buddhist. I'm happy to see him again, seeing him changed into a very cheerful and positive guy ( he was a drug addict back then )  Although I'm still disappointed bout cant meet any PLU, I'm still glad that he's life got back on track and he has a happy life. God bless him and everyone around me.


Its been a while from my last post, and I know I should have posted something about CNY but I'm too lazy to put every small and insignificant details of it in my blog. To summarize it, it'd been normal, but of course the content of the angpaus gets bigger year by year :) Anyway, I was trying to put some interesting stuff in my post and I came across with some cute bishie photos, turn out one of them is the guy started Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter. Everyone, I give you, Tom Felton.

I don't know why he likes to cross his arms so much, and he isn't near to my type either. The reasons for me to post up his photos are .. Hmmmm.. Alright he shocked me a little for being hotter than I expected, and some how part of him remind me of Jared Leto. Maybe I should make a post about Jared some other time. Until next time, less than 3 :)

p/s: To those who doesn't understand the word bishie,

NO! My cat stepped on my key board. This is what it meant. :)

Wednesday 18 January 2012


Again, I was watching HIMYM, and the episode was talking about Barney fell for a girl named Nora. As most of the people know, he's that kinda guy that isn't into relationship or commitment, while Nora's just the opposite. Barney knew himself very well that he's willing to give up on Nora. I almost cry at the last scene. I still think it doesn't make any sense. If he likes her, why don't he just confess? If things doesn't work well, at least you live with no regret.

The truth is, how many times in our life that we gave up on someone or something just because we afraid on losing it? I never. But I did give up on some guys, because I knew that we don't stand any chance. After watching this episode, I start to think that I'm a total stupid. Who is the one to decide whether we stand a chance or not? Its up to no one to decide unless you'd really given a try. For those who'd pass, stay with past. The next time I met someone that I really had feelings with, I'm gonna give my best shot, because I don't want to fill my heart with more regrets.

This piece, you'll regret if you miss it.

Monday 16 January 2012


I was watching How I Met Your Mother and that episode was talking how the 5 characters which are Ted, Marshall, Lily, Robin and The Awesome Barney hook someone, and got hooked by someone. The hook is not  action of getting people to run a relationship with you, but to get people to fell for you and willing to do anything to have you around, without giving them commitments. I never thought that I've hooked anyone, until i watched this episode, and I gave a deep thought on the past me. I did hooked somebody, and it's not just once.

The time is when I was in secondary, and I'm so not attractive by that time, even now, but I have some sort of charm that attracted some guys, guys that really willing to spent times and moneys to have me stayed around them. Of course I didn't bother to look at them, but they were like bees, buzzing around and they did weird things to get my attentions. And after a while I did went out with one of them and had him to pay for bills ( cheap ones, I wouldn't want to spend too much of his money, seriously ) But I only taken him as a friend. At the end we didn't work out, but we're still keeping in touch. I never felt guilty about this whole thing until that episode of HIMYM really snapped me out of it. It was terrible to do such things on people. I've no idea how far my action had hurt him and I really want to make things up for him now. How should I start my conversation with him? Or is he really okay for being hooked? Or he'd forgetten the whole thing and I don't have to bring this up again?

p/s: And just now, I remembered more evil things that I've done to other people, and I'll be posting about it if I have the chance. Long story short, I am a terrible man.

Saturday 14 January 2012

Awkwardness & Weirdness in A&W

Well it's actually a weird night. I'm sitting right here in A&W of my hometown, and listening to super banging stereo with EPIC bass. I feel like I'm in a club right now. Yea, it was a tradition in my hometown. Every Saturday night, there would be car racings after the midnight, and when it comes to car racing, you know there'll be people who brought along their car, showing off their portable-build-in-car-bass-machines LOL. But I'm pretty cool, and its onli 2335 hour and I'm still waiting for a girl. Oh well her she is.

*stopped for 45mins to converse with her and her boy friend*

I knew it. They were trying to hook me up into networking business. And worst of all, it's a business that I've been doing, to sell online tuition portals. Damn! It's not like I wanted to discourage her, she'd been a really close friend. But there are time when people should face reality,and not trying to make people get along by selling portals and dreams in a package. Plus I really don't like her boy friend. She deserves better. I'm not picking up fights here but he's emitting aura which made me uncomfortable and some how it disgusted me. I can tell that he doesn't like me either. Oh well it's not like they'r gonna clinging for long. I hope they aren't. 

Anyway now I'm stuck. Should I give her a call or text, waking her up from unrealistic fantasies, OR let her be, in the way she'd wanted, and somehow if she really broke up with her boy friend, the awkwardness in solving love and money matters. DEAR GOD I should tell her, but how? He must be beside her right now and I have to stop her before its too late! 

Friday 13 January 2012

Nothing to lose

There's a guy that I've been seeing since my secondary (aka high school, we don't have junior and senior high) and we hadn't seen each after since I left the school before him. He was 2 years younger. By that time I was really crazy about him, and things between us were really pure and innocent. We didn't make out like teens nowadays do, the most we got is a kiss at the face. And as many other relationships, we get into our respective hard times and we started not to chat, and this soon leaded to the end between us. Funny thing is, even we're still seeing each other in school, there's no awkwardness between us. Then I left the school, and we had not met for 2 years. Few days ago(Wednesday,11/1/2012), I bumped into him at a mall. Well he grew taller, and he 's now way hotter than he used to be, but he doesn't attract me like he was back to that time. I'm the kinda guy that don't believe in love at 1st sight, and I'm still not. Today, I actually missed him, and I start thinking that it might works out. Anyway he said he wanted to hang out some other time, and I wasn't so sure if he really means it. But I'll wait for his call alright, after all there's nothing to lose for meeting him, as it's either we'll be together again, or we can just be friends.

Monday 9 January 2012


I'm so good at making people who liked me to hate me !
And I'm so good at making people who liked me to like me more !
GOSH I don't wan either of this in some circumstances and in my current situation. 

I need some inner strength :(

Sunday 8 January 2012

Kiss under the moon

I know I've just posted about starry night few days ago but seriously I LOVE starring at the night skies, alot! Especially at a full moon like today, that kinda feeling keeps rushing. Oh God I need a soul mate, badly. I know, I'm too young for something serious, and I did'n even get myself a proper date yet. But being a People Like Us, we usually have those fantasies, you know, small little things like cuddle at each other, whisper under the moon, brunch and lot of sissy and girly things. The world is realistic, so do The Circle, and I perfectly understands that I'm one of the lousy baits that not even dolly fish would bite. How good if I were born as a net. :( I would not need to suffer that much, I would not need to go through my crappy childhood, adolescent and very early stage of adulthood. I know there's no one I can blame, and there's no one and nothing that I should blame on. I'll just go for a plastic surgery and turn myself from a rusty yucky bait into a gigantic-super-strengthen-fiber fishing net. And I wont change my personality as those are things that made me delightful and charming. (Am I?) Anyway, at this moment, there's nothing I can do about it except waiting patiently and make a lot money for my "Turn myself into a Gigantic-super-strengthen-fiber Fishing Net Fund" or The TCFNF, and starring at the moon of a wonderful night, with my imaginary soul mates and admirers. Less than 3.
Seriously, I've tried to look for photo of guys kissing under the moon, but all of them must be, you know, busy. At least they are kissing, at night, and not on bed yet. :)
And I think they kissed under the moon alright!

Saturday 7 January 2012

seriously? a VERMIN magnet?

I'm not exaggerating it but seriously?! Girls I'm not saying that I hated it because you girls ug the ugs, I'm totally okay if you put a little fantasy on me but STOP texting me in every few minutes! I'm the kinda person who treats people around with love and tender. So I apologies if I sent the wrong message but some of you out there have to learn my limits. And stop updating your status saying you miss me or why I don't like you, because apparently I'M NOT INTERESTED IN YOU!! Anyone of you!! So peace out.

Perfectly illustrated my situation. Well of course it beautified me and the girls by whole lot.

Thursday 5 January 2012

Koren Ensemble

This guy always sings in duplicated heads. But I find it very nice, as he was able to make harmony between the heads. And I just love the way he mashed up and composed songs. Here's one of his best, Medley of Songs About New York.


Wednesday 4 January 2012

Starry, yet EMPTY

Is it a day to remember? I'm not sure. Lot of things happened yesterday. I got a job. I 419ed. I called him. I ate supper. I spent a month doing nothing, yet I spent yesterday like there's no tomorrow. But the emptiness keeps rushing in. Why is this happening to me? I really wanted to meet SJ today, I wanted to tell him the truth. There are lots of things that I've been hiding from people around me, and guilt just wont leave me alone. I know its not something that I should guilty with, but I really cares about them. Anyway when I got home, I looked at the sky, as usual. Its a very rare occasion to be able to see the stars in cities, and its even rare for a tropical rain forest country by this season. Are they trying to tell me something? I believed they were trying to give me some moral support. What can I say? Stars know me better than anyone else did. Well I'm a little bit blur and confused right now, so the whole things is like my mind, messy. Apologies for the bad constructions and if you are reading this, look out from your window and talk to the stars. You'd never know what they can do. At least they filled up my emptiness. Bless you.

Monday 2 January 2012

zombie apocalypse. AGAIN

I don't know why, but I always caught in some very weird dreams. Its not that they were nightmares, well they were more like action movies to me. It happened to me again yesterday, when I was in my dream and suddenly a lot of zombies and ammo appeared LOL. The next thing I realized, I'm holding a smoke grenade and fighting back with guns. ( Does the smoke screen blinded the zombies, well IDK ) Sad to say that I've gotten used to it and I even know how to use all those weapons. (most likely) Is it a dream that readies me for an exact zombie apocalypse? If its so, I could say I really am. Anyway the whole zombie apocalypse thing had inspired me to post the photos below :D

Supa hot ! :D

When he's emo :((

What a cute face OMFG!

Guys get extra hot when they were smiling :))

I believe everyone know this guy as he appeared in LadyGaga's Born This Way. Most people find him weird, but I really think he's hot. Awww meeting him had became one of my new year resolutions ~